Sunday Night Attendance Increasing


Sunday Night Attendance Increasing 

This Sunday morning, we had close to thirty people in the morning service! Lately, for our Sunday night services, we have had a very small attendance. Usually three to four people but this week, God really blessed us by having fourteen people show up! Please continue to pray for our church and the people of Colombia..



Medellín, this city is near where we are currently working. This is a city of more than 2 and a half million people. Their main religion is Catholicism and there is still a huge need for the Gospel to be preached here. While it is a city full of religion, very little Bible is being taught. Please help us pray for this city full of lights which represent millions of people with no hope.

Contact Information:

Colombia: (+57) 316-832-3835
USA: (+1) 404-432-9230
Email: R2Col@Outlook.com

Mailing / Support Address:

Vision Baptist Missions
C/O Miguel Sanabria
P.O. Box 647
Dawsonville, GA 30534

Sending Church:

Vision Baptist Church
Alpharetta, GA
Pastor Trent Cornwell