February Prayer Letter

February prayer letter


On the month of January, God showed himself strong. We went from a short lockdown for the holidays at the beginning of the month to being able to keep having in person church services after the lockdown was taken down. Covid cases increased drastically and yet the government didn’t shut the country down and we were able to keep having church. We had several visitors and our church is growing. Praise the Lord! I ask you to please pray for Jeisson. He is a new young man who is very close to trusting in the Lord. He has been doing discipleship with Duvan so we pray and hope that he will trust in God for salvation and Lord-willing in the future he can be another man that God can use to train for the ministry and pastor another church here in Colombia.


Last time we spoke to you about the Our Generation Easter Offering. This project is an opportunity to invest in future missionaries and the Gospel being spread around the world. The purpose of this project is to see more people properly trained and sent out to the world to tell the millions of people who are lost and have not heard the true gospel of our God. We ask you to please consider giving to this offering and being a huge blessing to the future students of this generation. For more information about how your church can help please go to bcwe.org.

Contact Information:

Colombia: (+57) 316-832-3835
USA: (+1) 404-432-9230
Email: R2Col@Outlook.com

Mailing / Support Address:

Vision Baptist Missions
C/O Miguel Sanabria
P.O. Box 647
Dawsonville, GA 30534

Sending Church:

Vision Baptist Church
Alpharetta, GA
Pastor Trent Cornwell