June Prayer Letter

JUNE prayer letter


When we started deputation, we dreamed of getting to Colombia and starting multiple churches so that God’s Word would be preached in not only one place but many. We knew that one church was not enough.
As we started the first church with God’s help, we prayed that God would give us young men to train for the purpose of starting more churches. Today I am thrilled to tell you that church # 2 is starting soon. We have found a place to start, and we are praying that God touches the heart of the owners of the place. We want to rent it soon and get started with the first services to preach God’s Word to thousands of people in the city of Bello, Colombia.

2 TIMOTHY 2:2 


Amid preparations for the second church plant, God has also blessed the training center here in Medellin. It has been a great privilege for us to teach others the Bible so that they can go on and teach others also. Training future pastors and pastors’ wives has been and continues to be one of the greatest honors that God has granted us. We continue to pray to God for more young men and women that we can train for the furthering of His kingdom.

Please help us pray for those now in training, as we know the devil is like a lion looking to devour and hinder the spreading of the Gospel.


We had many outreach events in May, and God blessed us in a great and mighty way. Mother’s day was a huge blessing; God blessed us with a full house, and we ran out of room, which is a good problem. We almost had to sit people outside of the auditorium. Please pray for us; we are beginning to look for a building to buy so that the church can have a place of its own. Our goal every month continues to be the same, ten thousand tracts a month per church. Discipleship for everyone that steps into God’s temple. The faithful preaching of the Word of God three times a week. Youth night every Friday night. Daily teaching God’s Word to those whom God has called for ministry. People are getting saved and soon after baptized. We are seeing how God works in His people here in Colombia, and we cannot wait to see what else He will continue to do. Please pray for us and the mighty work that God is doing here in Medellin, Colombia.

JOHN 9:4-5 JUNE 2022

Contact Information:

Colombia: (+57) 316-832-3835
USA: (+1) 404-432-9230
Email: R2Col@Outlook.com

Mailing / Support Address:

Vision Baptist Missions
C/O Miguel Sanabria
P.O. Box 647
Dawsonville, GA 30534

Sending Church:

Vision Baptist Church
Alpharetta, GA
Pastor Trent Cornwell